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Minutes 4-26-11
Holland Conservation Commission
Minutes of Commission meeting held on April 26, 2011.

Present: Mary vandenBerg, Chairperson, Marcia Beal, Patricia Caron, Mary Lovett and Marianne Martone.  Absent:  Nathan Gumlaw and James Wettlaufer.

Chairperson called the meeting to order. The minutes of the March 22, 2011 meeting were read and accepted and will be distributed.

The scheduled Public Hearing of a Notice of Intent for Clarence Soper to repair a septic system at 15 Massaconnic Tr. was held.  Present were Clarence Soper and his son Stephen and Mark Farrell of Green Hill Engineering.  No abutters came.  Mark Farrell reviewed the plot plan:  excess material is to be removed and area is to be restored to original level; the existing 2000 gallon holding tank is to remain; additional hay bales and silt fences are to be placed along the downhill side of the installed system near Mashapaug Rd.  Following the project the area will be hydro seeded.   Since there is zero impact to the property all were in favor of the project and of closing the hearing at 7:40 p.m.

David Smith of Escape Estate Inc. presented Procedure Sheet No. 2004-878 to construct a single family house with septic and well at Lot 11, Butterworth Ext.  Mary vandenBerg signed the Procedure Sheet, since there were no Conservation issues.  However it being in a zoning district with a Special Conservancy area which was granted in 2004 to Andre Cormier, Sr. as the Nipmuck and Quaboag Preservation Trust. The documentation of the File for Exemption has yet to be presented to the Town.  We requested of David Smith that a letter from Andre Cormier Sr. be presented to us in 2 weeks stating when we would receive a declaration that he has filed for this exemption regarding the 14 acres.

We spoke to David Kowalski, Chairman of the Board of Health, of our concern regarding 2 horses on the Walker property on Mashapaug Rd. and their effect on the lake.  He believed that the requirements were 30,000 sq. ft. for the first horse, and an additional 15,000 sq. ft. for each additional horse. He would check further with the town attorney.  We also spoke of our concerns regarding the red hazardous waste containers parked at the trailer park on Mashapaug Rd.  He said he has been informed that these hazardous containers were empty but would check on that as well.

We received from Brian Boire, DEP File #184-0250 to rebuild a retaining wall at 6 Shore Dr. for Jim Lunig, a Request for Certificate of Compliance.  Mary vandenBerg did a site visit and approved the request.  

We received an Agenda for Wetlands Permitting Compliance Workshop which is scheduled for May 13, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to be held at the Senior Center in Holland

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m...
Respectfully submitted by

Patricia Caron, Secretary

Copies to Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA, File and HCC Chairperson.